Myco Mojo 30kg Sterilised Rye Grain


30Kg Sterilised Rye Grain pack for mushroom spawn supplied as 20 x 1.5Kg bags. Sterilised with optimum hydration levels, our rye grain packs are supplied in heat sealed T-filter Unicorn spawn bags with injection ports added after sterilisation, ready for inoculation.

Prices incl p&p to mainland UK


30Kg sterilised rye grain ready for making mushroom spawn, supplied as 20 x 1.5Kg bags.

If you’re looking for sterilised grain for your mushroom grain spawn, you’re probably looking for rye grain, the most popular choice. Rye is a member of the wheat family (Triticeae) and is also closely related to barley but what really matters is that it’s an excellent choice for mushroom grain spawn! Our organic rye grain packs contain optimum moisture levels, have been fully sterilised and are supplied in heat sealed T-filter Unicorn spawn bags with injection ports added after sterilisation, ready for inoculation. This 30Kg sterilised rye grain pack is aimed at larger-scale home growers but larger packs are also available if required.

Please note that our grain packs do not include spores or liquid culture, which you need to buy or produce separately.
Prices incl p&p to mainland UK

Need Guidance? For advice on using sterilised rye grain for mushroom spawn, click here to see our product guide.

Full colonisation times will vary according to mushroom species, specific inoculate material used and environmental conditions during incubation, but first signs of colonisation usually appear within 7-10 days and full colonisation might typically take 3-4 weeks.

Note that our bags of rye are supplied fully sterilised, which means they are free of unwanted organisms or bacteria which would compete with your cultivation but responsibility for maintaining this sterility transfers to the user once a bag is opened or inoculated.